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Rhinoplasty in Turkey

Rhinoplasty Wars

In the 1930s having a big and bridged nose was a cause for much trouble. Especially in German lands.

A german orthopedist named Jacques Joseph was interested in rhinoplasty practice especially in the different practices in different races. His work had become a salvation for the German Jews who were being prosecuted based on their race and sometimes identified on the streets by the shape of their noses.  First patient he performed rhinoplasty was a Jewish man and his friend. When his friend returned to Berlin everyone was in awe. Word of mouth traveled at the speed of light. Joseph was perming closed rhinoplasty. Because incisions were made inside the nose there weren’t any apparent scars. Communication means wasn’t as advanced as today though, so Joseph had no idea of his counterpart in the USA. Because of this, at that time Joseph thought he was the first to perform closed rhinoplasty. But Roe was performing closed rhinoplasty 40 years prior to Joseph’s first case. It was important that there were no scar marks otherwise social pressure might have increased.

Joseph died a few months after Hitler’s rise to power in 1934. A surgeon named Rethi introduced open rhinoplasty after the death of Joseph in the same year. I have always found the correlation between the rise of nazis and the open rhinoplasty interesting.

After Joseph’s death and rise of Nazis, it was more important for Jewish people to be more invisible. This task has been taken over by his prodiges.

At the same time, rhinoplasty mania has begun in the United States. An anatomist named Samuel Forman wanted to produce a book that would establish the basics of rhinoplasty. In order to explain these in detail he needed to see surgeries, but unfortunately plastic surgeons didn’t want to allow him into the operating room. At the end he started to work with an enthusiastic otolaryngology assistant named Irving Goldberg. He was also interested in nose anatomy.  Because of this interest he traveled to Germany and worked with a Hungarian prodige of of Joseph named Zoltal Negel. He learned how to lift the nasal tip and make a confident nose in this period.

Because of this secrecy of the experienced surgeons it wasn’t easy to learn closed rhinoplasty. Someone must teach you and you should have an emotional connection to the technical parts of it. Because closed rhinoplasty can’t be learned by watching like other operations. Only the performing surgeon sees the operation. Because of this, there is only you, surgeon, and god on the operation table.

Illnesses have changed a lot in history. But we think these changes happen based on political circumstances. But all we have to do is change our point of view. And no other medical procedure has been more effective in changing a political situation than closed rhinoplasty.

So how is this rhinoplasty done:

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