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Hair Transplant Turkey

Hair Transplant
Ask the Doctor?

    What is Hair Transplant?

    Hair transplant Turkey is the focus of many people who want to have a hair transplantation operation. Because when it comes to hair transplant Turkey it is known that the best hair services are mentioned. In this article, we will explain to you many things you wonder about having a hair transplantation operation in Turkey.

    How is Hair Transplant Turkey Done?

    Of course, it is quite normal for people to wonder how this operation is done before having a hair operation. This operation is performed under local anesthesia. To summarize the operation, we can say that it is an operation in which healthy hair grafts are transplanted to bald areas.

    Who is Fit for Hair Transplant Turkey?

    There are some conditions to be this transplantation operation. One of these conditions is to be 18 years old. In addition, even if you are over the age of 18, experts do not recommend this operation if you have any skin conditions. But in general, there are not many conditions to have a transplantation operation.

    How Does a Hair Transplant Work?

    Hair loss starts from the forehead area. However, healthy hair grafts remain in the nape of almost everyone. In this operation, those healthy hair grafts are taken and transplanted to the bald areas. While healthy hair grafts continue to form in the nape area, hair starts to grow in the bald area thanks to healthy hair grafts.

    What Should Be Considered Before Hair Transplant Turkey ?

    The only thing you need to think about before having a hair operation is the waiting period. After this operation, it takes about 1 year for you to have completely healthy hair. In other words, you should not expect long and healthy hair immediately after the operation. If you take the waiting time into account, there is nothing else you need to think about for this operation. Because hair operation gives definite results.

    Preparation for a Hair Transplant Turkey Procedure

    ozan saç ekimi

    Before this operation, your specialist will perform a control session. In this control session, your transplant specialist will examine your healthy hair grafts. Then, your hair specialist will tell you the number of grafts needed in total in an estimated way. In this session, you can ask your specialist what you wonder about the operation. It will be good for you not to have any question marks in your mind.

    The Basic Stages of Hair Transplantation

    A hair operation has some invariable basic steps. Of course, the first of these steps is to numb your hair area with local anesthesia. Then the specialist starts to collect your healthy hair follicles. Finally, the specialist transfers the collected hair follicles to your bald areas. In this way, the hair operation is completed. Of course, there are extra steps in some different hair transplantation methods.

    Hair Transplant Turkey Before After

    We can say that hair implant procedure before and after is the point that our patients are most interested in. Because with hair operations, even people who have been bald for years get healthy hair. And this makes people look much younger. Of course, this is a very interesting situation for people who want to have this operation. Even Hollywood celebrities have photos before and after the hair operation. By examining these photos, you can reach the magnificent results of hair transplant operations.

    Things to Consider After Hair Transplant Turkey 

    People also worry about what they should do after the hair transplant operation. But there is a reason why the issue of hair transplant Turkey is on the agenda so much. As one of the best hair clinics in Turkey, our transplant specialists will inform you about the post-operative process. In fact, you can reach our hair transplant specialists at any time during the post-operative period and ask your questions.

    What Results Await Us After Hair Transplantation?

    Do not expect your new hair to grow in a short time after hair transplantation. Because there is a 12-month process waiting for you in front of you. In this process, the scabs are shed. And the planting area gets better. At the same time, the hair transplanted with the grafts also falls out. In other words, approximately 30 days after the operation, the patient will have a bald appearance as before the operation. But after that day, your hair will start to grow. At the end of a year, you will have long, healthy, and strong hair as before.

    What Does 1 Graft Mean?

    Graft means a structure that contains several hair follicles. This structure is found in all hairy areas. People get a graft transplant in a hair transplant operation. 1 graft is usually the basis for calculating hair transplant fees. In other words, a calculation is made per graft while calculating. For this reason, your hair transplant specialist decides the price you will pay for the hair transplant operation according to the number of grafts required.

    Hair Transplant Turkey How Much is 1 Graft of Hair?

    Graft means a structure that contains several hair follicles. This structure is found in all hairy areas. People get a graft transplant in a hair operation. 1 graft is usually the basis for calculating hair transplant fees. In other words, a calculation is made per graft while calculating. For this reason, your hair transplant specialist decides the price you will pay for the hair operation according to the number of grafts required.

    Hair Transplant Turkey How Much is a 3000 Graft?

    The average number of grafts required in a hair operation is 3000 grafts. For this reason, people wonder about the cost of 3000 graft hair transplantation. But this is a highly variable thing. For this reason, you should not tire yourself by researching the cost of 3000 graft hair transplantation. Because the number of grafts required for you may be high. At the same time, hair fees vary greatly from city to city, clinic to clinic, and country to country. For this reason, you should find a good hair specialist for yourself and direct this question to your specialist.

    Hair Transplant Turkey How Much is a 5000 Graft?

    People may also wonder about the 5000-graft hair transplant cost. The people who ask this question are usually people with massive baldness on their head. Because the number of grafts required in an average hair transplant operation is 3000 grafts. 5000 grafts mean almost twice this number. What these people need to do is to contact a good hair transplant clinic. If you contact us, we will inform you about every important point you wonder about this operation.

    How Much Does 5000 Grafts Cost in Turkey?

    Turkey’s success in the health sector has been recognized by the whole world. This is also true for hair operation. Many people do hair transplant research. And with this research, it aims to reach the best hair transplant clinics in Turkey. We are one of the leading hair clinics in Turkey. You can contact us with any of the communication lines on our website. Our expert team members will inform you about everything you are curious about.

    How Many Years Does a Hair Transplantation Last?

    It is possible to say that a hair transplant operation gives 100% results. Because if the conditions continue normally, you should not have any doubts about the result you will get from the hair transplant operation. In addition, after the hair operation, the probability of your hair falling out again is very low. Because hair grafts in the nape of people are resistant to shedding. And the grafts transplanted in the hair operation are the grafts located in your nape area.

    Hair Transplant Turkey Cos2025

    The 2022 update in hair transplant prices is a very curious subject. The reason why people wonder about this issue is that they will make their budget planning accordingly before the hair operation. But this is a general quest. First, you should talk to a good clinic and a good hair specialist about this issue. And you should entrust yourself to safe hands.

    Types Of Haır TransplantPrıce Range ın TurkeyPrıce Range ın the UKPrıce Range ın EuropePrıce Range ın America
    Fue Hair Transplant€ 1700 – € 2500£ 6690 – £ 10090€ 3450 – € 4850$ 11400 – $ 15900
    DHI Hair Transplant€ 2990 – € 4000£ 10600 – £ 13090€ 5550 – € 31190$ 13800 – $ 12300
    Manuel Fue Transplant€ 3490 – € 4990£ 30750 – £ 4009012700 € – 41390 €$ 11900 – $ 12500
    Sapphire Fue Transplant€ 2390 – € 3990£ 10750 – £ 140904700 € – 6300 €$ 13900 – $ 12590

    Which One is The Best Hair Transplant Turkey?

    Clinics in Turkey have proven their success in hair to the whole world. However, it is possible to list clinics in Turkey as well. As a clinic that has been providing hair services for many years, we are quite assertive in this regard. We are trying to improve ourselves every day with our highly specialized team. If you want to have a hair transplant operation, contact us.

    Is Turkey Good for Hair Transplant?

    Turkey is the first country that comes to mind when it comes to hair transplantation in the world. If you want to have a hair transplant operation, you can contact us.

    How Much Is the Best Hair Transplant Turkey?

    There are many variables for the cost of hair operations. The size of the bald area on the patient’s head is one of these variables. If you want to get a price for the hair transplant operation, you can call us. But when we say hair transplant, don’t just think of the price. You get the best hair transplant service in Turkey

    How Much Does a Hair Transplant Turkey Cost?

    Since Turkey is the best country in the world for hair transplant operations, people wonder about hair transplant costs in Turkey. However, since there is more than one variable for this operation, it would not be correct to give an exact price here. So, you can get a clearer price by calling us.

    Why is Turkey So Cheap for?

    There are hundreds of successful hair transplant clinics in Turkey. This means a competitive environment. In a competitive environment, clinics also enter a price competition to make their services attractive. In addition, due to the current exchange rates, hair operations are cheaper in Turkey.

    How Much Are Hair Transplants in the UK?

    The United Kingdom is also a country with hair transplant clinics. However, it is not possible to say that the UK has clinics as successful as Turkey. At the same time, you can get a worse hair service in the United Kingdom than in Turkey. Also, you pay much higher price.

    How Much Does 4000 Hair Grafts Cost UK?

    4000 graft hair transplantation in the United Kingdom is quite expensive compared to Turkey. In addition, considering the hair service you will receive in the UK, this is not an advantageous situation. You can get a much better hair service at more affordable prices in Turkey.

    How Much Does 1500 Hair Grafts Cost UK?

    Having a hair transplant operation in the UK has quite a disadvantage. The first reason is the prices. While 1500 graft hair transplantation is much more affordable in Turkey, it is quite expensive in the United Kingdom. At the same time, the hair service you will receive in Turkey will be the best service in the world.

    When Can I Take off My Bandage After?

    People also wonder when the bandages will come off after the hair operation. If there is no exception after the hair transplant operation, it is possible to taking off the bandage after 48 hours.

    How Long Should I Wear a Hat After a?

    After the hair operation, you need to wait a while to wear a hat. It will be more appropriate to wear a hat after at least 2 weeks.

    When Can I do Exercise After the Operation?

    You should not do heavy sports for the first 30 days after the hair operation. Especially if you are working with weights, you should take a break from these exercises for 2-3 months.

    Should I Wash My Hair Every Day After the Hair?

    It will be better for you to stay away from water for a while after the hair operation. Because this can be a dangerous situation for newly transplanted grafts. Hair transplant experts will inform you about the post-operative process.

    How Long Should I Use the Special Shampoo?

    You should use a special shampoo for at least 3 months after the hair operation. When choosing this shampoo, use your choice in favor of the shampoo that your hair transplant specialist prefers for you.

    How Long Should I Use the Antibiotic Cream?

    After the hair operation, using antibiotic cream until your wounds heal will prevent any risk of infection.

    How Long Should I Use Panthenol Spray?

    It will not be inconvenient to use this spray for about 2 weeks after the hair transplant operation. But still, listen to the advice your hair transplant specialist gives you.

    When Can I Have Sexual Intercourse After the Hair?

    If you have had a hair operation, avoid any sexual intercourse for 10-15 days after the operation. However, after this period has passed, there is no problem in this regard. Hair transplant Turkey experts will give you all the necessary information before and after the process.

    May I Use Any Product Other Than the Recommended One?

    After the hair operation, you should only use the products recommended by your hair specialist.

    May I Use Panthenol Spray in The Donor Zone?

    If your hair transplant specialist wants you to use that spray, you can use it. But if the hair specialist recommends a different spray, follow this recommendation.

    Hair Transplant Turkey – istanbul 2025

    When it comes to hair operation, of course, Turkey comes to mind. For this reason, the subject of hair transplant Turkey is a topic that is talked about a lot. Since Istanbul is the mega city of Turkey, it is possible to say that the best hair transplant clinics are in Istanbul.

    Will My Transplanted Hair Fall Out?

    About 10 days after the operation, your scabs will fall off. Then your transplanted hair will fall out. This is a normal process. you do not have to worry

    What Aftercare Do I Need After My Hair Transplant?

    The hair transplant specialist will tell you everything you need to do after the hair operation. Apart from that, you should not do what other people suggest.

    How Do I Get to My Appointment?

    You can contact us through any of the communication lines on our website and get an appointment from our clinic.

    How Does Hair Work?

    Generally, healthy hair grafts remain in the nape of people. These healthy hair grafts contain hair follicles that are resistant to shedding. Taking these grafts by a specialist and transferring them to the regions forms the basis of the hair operation. In this way, the hair operation is completed.

    Comments of Those Who Have Had Hair Transplantation 2025

    People who have a hair transplant turkey operation are generally quite happy with the results they get. Because the hair operation makes a positive change on the appearance of the person. Moreover, while you get a bad result with any wig and similar extra products, you will get a very natural result with hair transplant operation.
