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Breast Augmentation Turkey

Breast Aesthetic
Ask The Doctor

    Breast augmentation surgery is one of the most popular surgeries for women. Breast shape and volume disorders, breast size is small, two breast symmetry disorders can be applied to eliminate a reliable method. In addition, breast cancer is a method that is often used to re-create the breast after surgery or provide symmetry with the other breast. Prosthetics, which have been in use for many years around the world, are quite reliable.

    When you come to Turkey for breast augmentation Turkey we aim to learn about your complaints about your breast, your expectations for surgery and your concerns about this issue at our first meeting. In this interview, we get detailed information about you (additional diseases, drug use, pregnancy history, history of breast diseases). Then we need to do a breast exam and do a number of breast measurements. Preoperative photographing and 3-D imaging will be done.

    What is Breast Augmentation (Augmentation Mammoplasty)?

    Breast size in women in general, familial, hormonal and structural disorders, especially if too much weight is taken occurs. Due to such causes, excessive breast growth is likely to be seen. On the other hand, it is possible that it can be seen in various physical problems due to the size of the breast. At the beginning of these disorders, the center of gravity of the body shifts forward and, accordingly, the formation of pain in the back, waist, neck and shoulders occurs.

    In addition, redness or diaper rash occurs as a result of friction in the areas where the breasts that grow too much come into contact with each other or in the folds. In addition, it is possible to say that odor-emitting irrigations can also occur. A bulky or humpback posture disorder in the overall body shape can also occur due to the shift of the body’s center of gravity. To fix such problems, Breast Augmentation (Augmentation Mammoplasty) is a highly effective surgical practice.

    In some cases, volume loss of breast tissue may be observed as a result of double or unilateral breast development disorder or due to weight loss after pregnancy. Breast augmentation surgery is the ultimate solution if women who suffer from such conditions or have small breasts at birth want to have larger and proportionate breasts.

    The FDA has approved implants for breast augmentation turkey in women to correct breast cancer surgery or post-traumatic reconstruction (reconstruction) and developmental disorders. Implants are also approved to correct or improve the outcome of previous surgery. A number of clinical studies have reported that most of their patients who have undergone breast augmentation turkey and reconstruction are satisfied with the results of the surgery.

    Who can have Breast Surgery?

    In order for breast augmentation surgery to be performed, patients must have completed their breast development. It is not recommended to perform this operation for people under the age of 18. 18 years of age if saline implants are to be used as part of the operation, and 22 years of age if silicone implants are to be used. For breast augmentation with fat injection, it is also an important requirement that patients complete their breast development.

    A woman with small breasts feels sad because of the appearance of her breasts. The fact that breast tissue is small causes great difficulties in choosing clothes. Although the lower part of the clothes fits the body, the upper side does not fit, a woman cannot feel comfortable while wearing a bikini or sporty upper clothing. This sadness can even turn into a feeling of feeling inadequate and incomplete over time.

    This feeling, which cannot be fully perceived by those other than people who have the same complaint as him, disappears only when this situation is resolved. For some reasons, she cannot complete the breast development that is expected to develop during the transition period to teenage girlhood, and one of the secondary sex characters remains missing.

    These causes can be genetic, familial; hormonal, there may be a number of hormonal diseases such as polycystic ovary syndrome; or a cause cannot be found. After pregnancy and breastfeeding, due to excessive weight loss or after menopause, the breast may experience volume loss, sag.

    What is The Procedure for Breast Enlargement in Turkey?

    Breast augmentation aesthetics can be planned in different ways according to expectations and needs. In the operation, which is completed on average within 1 to 2 hours, incisions can be made from the fold under the chest, under the armpit or around the nipple. After the incisions are made, the breast tissue is separated from the chest muscles and an area is created behind or in front of the pectoral muscle located in the chest wall.

    After breast implants are placed in the area, the incisions are closed. The method that will be applied within the scope of breast augmentation turkey operations, as well as the implant that will be used, is also determined according to the wishes of the person and the recommendations of plastic surgeons.

    Variables such as the fact that each woman’s anatomical structure is different, her expectations from the operation, the image they want to have, and whether the breastfeeding feature will be preserved can cause changes in the surgical technique. Therefore, giving a clear answer to a question like “which is the best breast augmentation technique?

    In addition to breast augmentation turkey operations, breast augmentation can also be performed by fat injection. Fat injection can be defined as a two-step process. At the first stage of the operation, fat is collected by liposuction from parts such as the buttocks, belly and inside the legs where the patients have fat accumulation.

    The collected oils are subjected to a special process and then injected into the breast or both of the breasts that need to be enlarged according to the planning.

    In this way, patients can witness that their bodies are shaped by getting rid of their Sports and diet-resistant fats and get fuller breasts. Breast augmentation with fat injection may need to be repeated at certain intervals. Some of the injected fat is absorbed by the body. With the repetition of the application, the permanence and effect of fat in the breasts tends to increase.

    How Breast Augmentation is done?

    Breast augmentation surgeries are operations performed under general anesthesia. The duration of the operation lasts from 45 minutes to 1.5 hours on average. During breast augmentation surgery, an incision must be made to place implants that will give fillers to the breast. Because of this incision, there is a possibility that there will be an incision mark, even if it is not in the visible place. This distance is usually 16-17 cm, and if it is longer, it can be 18-19. If it’s more than 19 cm, the chest is sagging. In this case, a breast lift is required. Silicone can also be attached with it.

    Breast tissue under the breast pattern sagging rate, skin thickness and muscle thickness is looked at. The rib cage and shoulder structure are also very important. Of course, the decision to drop or round form is also given together.

    Drop silicone is more recommended for women who are weak, especially those who prefer it, as well as those who have a length between the shoulder and the nipple, that is, the body is long. For those who want a flashier breast form, round silicone is preferred. As a region, it is more preferred under novelization. So both the top of the silicone will not be too obvious, it will look more natural, and the silicone will stand higher.

    Types of Implants

    It is divided into two as gel-filled breast prostheses and saline-filled breast prostheses. Silicones according to their shape in breast implant types; is examined in two classes as round and anatomically shaped. While the projection increases with the condition that the volume remains the same in round silicones, the implant base diameter narrows. In anatomical, i.e. drop shaped silicone implants, there are more options due to the aspect-projection alternatives. Your doctor will assist you in choosing an anatomical or round prosthesis and will give detailed information about both types. Drop prostheses are also called anatomically because they are more like natural breast shape.

    Silicone Breast Implants & Saline Breast Implants

    Silicone implants are implants filled with thick and sticky silicone gel. This closely mimics the feeling of natural breast tissue. They come in a variety of shapes, sizes and textures to suit individual preferences and body types. Saline implants have a silicone outer shell. They are filled with sterile saline (saline water) solution. They can also be filled before surgery to ensure the optimal size and shape. Saline implants tend to feel tighter than silicone gel implants.

    Smooth Breast Implants & Textured Breast Implants

    The surfaces of silicone implants can be rough or smooth. Implants with rough surfaces can provide better adhesion to the tissue and reduce the risk of encapsulation in case of leakage. Implants with smooth surfaces can move more easily.

    Teardrop Breast Implants & Round Breast Implants

    Teardrop-shaped prostheses are usually preferred in the technique of surgery performed under November in people with low breast volume or very weak. Round prostheses are preferred for patients who will be placed under the skin.

    Breast Implant Surgery or Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation

    Breast implants, breast augmentation or mastectomy are prostheses with silicone content that are used to fill the breast after a mastectomy in the treatment of breast cancer, i.e. in the treatment of breast cancer. There are various types of these prostheses, which may be different types according to their content, they may be different types according to their structure. The invariable part of these silicone prostheses are their outer layers, silicone envelope layers. It can have silicone gel in it, or it can be medicinal water, which we call serum physiology.

    One of the biggest reasons why fat injection into the breast receives so much attention is that our own natural tissue is at the beginning. As with breast prostheses, the fact that a foreign object will be placed on the body creates a prejudice and reservation against breast augmentation surgeries with prosthesis in some women.

    Despite all the successful results and patient satisfaction, there is a group of patients who cannot get rid of their fear of breast augmentation surgery with breast prosthesis. Stem cell and fat studies conducted in the last 10-20 years have once again shown how valuable adipose tissue is actually in Plastic Surgery. The discovery that it is a biological ore with the rich stem cell content contained in the fat tissue, which used to be seen as excess in the body and discarded, has led to a breakthrough in aesthetic surgery.

    Incisions of Breast Augmentation in Turkey

    For Incisions of Breast Augmentation Turkey, there may be quite different techniques involved. The most preferred of these is slightly above the area where the lower part of the breast meets the rib cage. This point is the point where there is no permission while standing, a possible bleeding control can be performed comfortably and the surgical site is best observed. On the other hand, the lower border of the dark skin around the nipple and the armpit are also preferred areas, and each of them is evaluated as a different technique.

    Types of Incisions

    Peri-areolar/Doughnut Incision

    This incision is placed around the areola, which is the darker colored skin around the nipple. This type of incision provides better sensitivity during implant placement during surgery because the incision point is very close to the final implant position. There are good pros to this; it makes it easier for the Plastic Surgeon to control bleeding and leaves a small scar that can be hidden very well and is almost invisible.

    Inframammary Incision

    Inframammary incision is the most common for breast augmentation surgery turkey and is also the most versatile. It is placed in the fold of skin under the breast, which usually allows it to be very well hidden.

    Area Of Placement

    But a big disadvantage is that there may be difficulties when placing the implant, as the incision is located too far from the implant placement and the breast pocket.

    What is Non-Surgical Breast Augmentation?

    Generally speaking, it can be defined as enlarging breasts by injection of synthetic fillers in a clinical environment. It can be done by people other than surgeons. Sounds good right?

    There are many types of fillers produced for this application. If you ask my personal opinion, I don’t recommend putting synthetic fillers to the breasts. Even though they are very easy to apply and have a high profit margin, they’re harmful to a patient’s health. It’s said that these fillers can be applied even in an office environment but this simple isn’t true.

    In order to achieve the desired volume, there might be a need for high volumes of fillers. This causes there to be a huge pool of foreign matter to be accumulated inside the breast and cause an infection. And because these fillers are liquid, it’s hard to keep them on the desired position. Other than not being logical healthwise, cost of this procedure is much higher than implants.

    Even if you have them despite all these negative sides, your body will process them out over time, thus turning to square one. A filler matter that can stay in the body for 9 years poses a greater threat for infection. You might say “but slicon implants are also freign matters and can pose the same threat”. You’re right, they might. But in such a case, they can be removed. In fact there is a really small chance of this happening. But what can you do with fillers? Removing an infected liquid that has been distributed inside the breast won’t be that easy, to say the least.

    How to Best Prepare for Breast Enlargement in Turkey?

    The patient should stop smoking and drinking alcohol at least 2 weeks in advance before surgery. If blood thinning medication is used, it should be notified to the doctor and discontinued under the supervision of a doctor 10 days before surgery. Chronic conditions and medications that are constantly used should be reported to the plastic surgeon before surgery.

    Breast Augmentation With Fat Transfer

    Recently, breast augmentation with fat transfer is mentioned more and more. I strongly oppose this procedure. The transferred fat will dissolve in time, and this dissolvement might not be even.

    Let’s say we ignored this part. But with high volumes of fat transfer, the percentage of dissolvement is higher, and the risk of infections are heightened. But the most important aspect of fat transfers is microcalcifications. Microcalcification is the crystallization of injected fat particles by calcium reactions. This is in fact a natural physiopathological process. But what does this all mean?

    Most of these calcifications are miss diagnosed as cancer tissue by even the most experienced radiologist. This will cause you to be suspicious about cancer from the first mammography. Also because they don’t want to take risks with such an issue, the radiologist will immediately put you in the risk category too. Outside of biopsy, nothing will eradicate this suspicion.

    There’s still another great risk with breast fat transfer. If there is a cancerous on your breast that won’t activate in your lifetime, this new transfer of fat might activate that .

    What if your breast cancer gets triggered by this fat transfer? So far, noone with scientific credentials has come up with a counter argument to this hypothesis. If you can, please enlighten me.

    At the end, the only healthy option left for this operation is breast implants.

    What are Breast Implants?

    Implants are put inside the breast in order to increase the volume and/or improve the shape. There are many types of implants, smooth surfaced, textured, drop shaped, round, double cohesive to name a few. There are many options, but which one should you choose?

    The right thing to do is, don’t choose the implants yourself. Only describe to your doctor what type of breast you want to have. Your doctor will choose the best option for your expectations and anatomy. Do you want your clavicle to be more noticeable or not?

    If you want a more prevalent cleavage, your implant should be a round one. Don’t think a round implant is round as a ball. When patients see round implants at my office they are usually surprised. Don’t push your imagination when it comes to surgical procedures. We do this for you.

    Silicone Implant Types:

    Shape Based:

    Round: Ova structures with identical domes. But this doesn’t mean they will seem like oranges. When a patient wants a more prevalent cleavage, this is our choice.

    Anatomical: It’s also known as drop implant. Bottom half has more volume than the top half.

    Shell Based:

    Smooth: Has a smooth exterior and more risk of capsule development.

    Textured: Has a special surface that aims to prevent capsule development.

    Micro-Textured: Has a textured surface that is less rough. It’s a relatively type of implant.

    Teflon Surfaced: Made to eradicate capsule development.

    Polyurethane Surfaced

    Density Based:

    Grade 1 Silicone: Has a soft gel

    Grade 2 Silicone: Has a mildly hard gel

    Grade 3 Silicone: Has a hard gel

    Double Cohesive Silicone: Hard on some parts, softer on some parts.

    Interior Based:

    Silicone Based

    Serum (salted water) Based

    Soy Based (No more produced)


    Ones with air pores inside that are more lightweight.

    Projection Based:

    Ultra High Profile

    High Profile

    Medium Profile

    Low Profile

    Do you still want to choose your own implants? What Does FDA Approval Mean on Silicone Implants?

    Almost everyone has heard of the FDA (Food and Drugs Administrations) of the USA. In order for a product to be sold in the United States it needs to have the FDA approval. But this doesn’t mean not having FDA approval means low quality. If a product is not aimed at the USA market it doesn’t need to aim for an FDA approval. But because of the seal of quality this approval carries with it, as surgeons we too try to use implants approved by the FDA. In short, in our operations we use the highest quality implants, and they have international guarantee papers.

    What to Consider Before a Breast Augmentation?

    Before these operations, plastic surgeons undergo a detailed examination of their patients. He asks for some examinations and informs them about what needs to be taken care of before surgery.  Before breast augmentation; mammography/breast USG is requested. These examinations are repeated in the first year after surgery. Before surgery, it is also necessary to stop smoking and blood thinners, cut off some multi-vitamin and food supplements.

    • Smoking

    Smoking is risky for all surgeries and can delay the healing process and pose a risk of complications. Quit smoking before your breast surgery. Smoking also slows down your blood circulation and dissolves the elastin in your tissues, which reduces the tightening of your skin. Smoking negatively affects not only your health, but also your appearance.

    • Medications

    You should stop aspirin and derivative medications 1 week before your surgery date. Vitamin E , Zinc tablets should be discontinued 3-4 days in advance due to the substances contained in the content of some multivitamin complexes.

    • Diet

    Eat fish. Avoid white carbohydrates, refined flour with a high glycemic index, sugar, and white rice. You can consume bulgur and brown rice. Do not drink herbal teas from 10 days before surgery, as they may increase bleeding and affect anesthesia.

    Aftercare of Breast Enlargement

    Patients are informed in detail about what needs to be considered after breast augmentation surgery. In order to shape the area comfortably and smoothly in the post-operation period, bra use should not be disrupted. After the operation, patients are usually recommended to rest in the hospital overnight. In this process, general health checks are carried out and discharge procedures are carried out if no problems are detected.

    In order to prevent the accumulation of fluid in the breast tissue, resistors should be removed by experts in a controlled manner. It is very important to avoid heavy lifting for the first 2 months after surgery. To lift heavy and begin brisk exercises, surgeon approval must be obtained.

    Due to tension in the muscles and increased pain by moving the arm, pass the rest process upright. There may be some swelling in our breasts during this period. Your pain will gradually decrease, there will be relief in our arm movements and swelling will decrease. In order to shape the breast with the prosthesis, you should use the bra provided after the operation for 1.5 months. Do not do exercises and sports where your arm movements are intense within 2 months. Do not neglect your doctor’s controls after breast implants.

    What to Expect After Breast Augmentation?

    After breast augmentation surgery, patients may experience complaints such as bruising in addition to various complications such as pain and swelling. But these symptoms will lose their effect in a fortnight after the operation, along with compliance with the rules and taking the recommended measures.

    During the recovery period after breast augmentation surgery turkey, it may be necessary to wear a special bandage or sports bra to provide support to the operation area and position the implants correctly. The bra and duration of use that patients should use will be transferred by surgeons to patients.

    The amount of time it takes to return to work after breast augmentation surgery may vary depending on the patients ‘ recovery status and the level of activity required by the work they are working on. If there are no physically demanding professions, it is possible to return to work within a few weeks, and if there is a job that needs to be spent physically intense effort, this time may increase. After breast augmentation surgery, contact with surgeons should not be neglected if symptoms such as swelling, redness, and fever appear in the area of the operation.

    Breast Augmentation Recovery Stages

    Breast augmentation surgery is a serious surgery with possible risks and consequences, such as pain or scarring. And just like any other surgery, your body needs a healing process afterwards.  You may not feel very well immediately after the operation. This is a normal reaction and is mainly caused by side effects left over from anesthesia. The important thing is to give your body time to recover.

    1 Day: After Breast Augmentation Surgery, you can get up and walk 2 hours later. When you are discharged on the same day or the next day and go home, you can meet your own needs without needing someone.

    3 – 5 Days: You can take a bath 3 days after the operation. In all breast augmentation turkey surgeries with silicone prosthesis, there is swelling called edema, which differs according to people in the first two days. These swellings begin to go down from the third day.

    1 Week: There is no harm in lying on your face or on your side. Just for the first week, it can be difficult to lie on your face or on your side. After 1 week, you can go to bed as you want.

    3-4 Weeks: Women who have had breast augmentation with breast silicone can take long walks from the first week of breast prosthesis surgery. They can do brisk walking and jogging from the second week of breast augmentation surgeries. From the third week of Breast augmentation surgeries, they can do jobs that require heavy physical strength. Starting from the fourth week, they can start sports games with excessive arm movement, such as tennis, and heavy sports that require arm strength.

    2 Months: Sauna, solarium and steam bath can be performed from the second month after Breast Augmentation Surgery.

    Your Treatment and Treatment Schedule

    • Arrival in Istanbul: You have made your final decision for breast enlargement treatment in Turkey and decided to make an appointment. But how? Very easy! Just call us on the phone number on the contact page or send an e-mail. We will determine the most suitable date for you together, and make the perfect appointment plan for your arrival in Istanbul. If you wish, we can also offer you flight tickets and accommodation services. We can offer you airport pick-up, hotel transfer, guidance and many other services. Don’t think about them. You don’t need to worry. We are always with you in Turkey and you are not alone.
    • Breast Surgery and Preliminary Examination: On the first day, an initial examination is performed and general information about breast enlargement is given. During this examination, breast measurements are taken and necessary examinations are performed. After a few days, you will be given a date for the second examination. So, you make 2 appointments in 1 week. Of course, your doctor will be in constant communication with you during this period. Online talks continue.
    • The Next Day and Follow-up Examination: The day after the surgery, your doctor and specialist medical team will examine you. Treats possible complications and checks stitches.

    When Does Tightness Go Away After Breast Augmentation?

    It is likely that you will feel tired and painful for the first few days following your breast augmentation surgery. You may feel a burning sensation in your nipples for up to two weeks. From time to time, it is also possible to feel sharp, stinging, sudden pains due to the healing of damaged nerve endings. The medications that have been prescribed to you after your breast augmentation surgery will be very helpful in overcoming these painful conditions. Most patients can return to their daily state within a few days after breast augmentation surgery. During the ongoing healing process, they do not often encounter painful situations that will force them.

    In addition, the support bra recommended for you to wear after breast augmentation surgery also prevents the breasts from moving, helping you feel less pain and discomfort and supporting your recovery. In summary, it can be said that after breast augmentation surgeries, in general, pain that would scare the patient under normal conditions is not expected.

    How long will Breast Enlargement Surgery treatment last?

    Breast augmentation surgery varies within the December of 1-3 hours depending on the nature of the surgery to be performed.

    How Much Does Breast Enlargement Surgery Cost 2024?

    As with any surgery, the Breast Enlargement Surgery prices vary according to the clinic where the surgery takes place and the preferred surgeon! Factors such as how to intervene in the breast area can also be decisive at the price point. The most important point in an operation is that the outcome of the operation satisfies the patient. Implant material, shape, physical condition of the patient and similar factors affect the prices. Breast Enlargement Surgery costs are much cheaper and the quality of service is of high standard.

    Breast Augmentation Turkey Cost 2024

    Breast aesthetics is the name given to procedures such as plumping, lifting, or reducing women’s breasts by shaping them. These procedures are performed by aesthetic and plastic surgery specialists. A large proportion of women are dissatisfied with the appearance of their breasts. For this reason, breast aesthetics is included in the most preferred aesthetic group. Prices for breast augmentation, which are widely applied all over the world, vary. Breast Augmentation Turkey Cost 2024 varies according to the procedure to be applied.

    Breast Augmentation Packages and Pricing 2024

    Breast augmentation surgery is a very common type of surgery. Before surgery, you are ready, when you decide to have this surgery for the right reasons and you do enough research, you can learn breast augmentation prices 2024 in Turkey after your doctor exams. Posting prices on the internet is prohibited by law.

    Breast augmentation prices vary depending on the material used the surgeon’s experience and the clinic. As Istanbul is the center of these surgical surgeries, breast augmentation prices in Istanbul are much more affordable. Before the breast augmentation, the doctor and the patient who will perform the operation should plan the surgery together.

    Breast Augmentation Package in Turkey

    If you’re considering breast augmentation surgery but don’t want to spend the money or pay out of pocket, Turkey can be a great place to go. Not too far and very convenient! If you’ve never been abroad before, this is a great opportunity to visit another country while meeting your aesthetic needs. There are many things to see and do in Turkey; you can have an amazing experience like in any country in Europe.

    Breast Augmentation Turkey All-Inclusive Package

    • Internationally Certified Doctors

    You will entrust yourself to safe doctors. Internationally Certified Doctors will perform your breast augmentation surgery.

    • Special Group Discount

    If you are thinking of coming from abroad with a friend or a large group, be sure to ask about our special group discounts.

    • Medical Garments, Support Bra etc.

    All medical products you need before and after surgery are included in the price.

    • Accommodation at a 4-Star Hotel

    We will ensure that you stay in 4 and 5 star luxury hotels in Istanbul during the surgery.

    • Transfers with VIP Car

    We will pick you up at the airport with luxury VIP vehicles and provide the same transfer when you return to your country.

    • International Patient Host

    The entire healthcare team speaks multiple foreign languages and you will have absolutely no problems with communication.

    • Breast Enlargement Free Consultation

    You will be examined free of charge before and after the surgery.

    What To Think About Before You Have Breast Enlargement in Turkey?

    Before breast enlargement surgery in Turkey, you can chat with the doctor online before coming here and ask the questions you are curious about. Your doctor may ask you for some photographs and some documents about your health history. In the last stage, you can determine the appointment date. Turkey is the most reliable country in terms of health services. You don’t need to worry about this at all.

    Breast Augmentation Turkey Before and After

    You can see Breast Augmentation Turkey Before and after photos on our website. Photos taken before and after the surgery will give you clear information on this subject. Thus, you can determine the breast type you prefer by looking at these photos.

    Recovery & Results of Breast Enlargement

    The patient may have some swelling after the breast augmentation surgery. However, these swelling decreases during the healing process. This situation is usually caused by edema formation. There may be little pain in the first days after the operation. However, these pains disappear in a short time. Within a few days after breast enlargement surgery, the tapes on the breast are removed and it is recommended to use the sports bra. These bras help the breast get into the shape it should be. The stitches used for breast surgery disappear completely within an average of 2 months. During the recovery process, it is important to avoid physically heavy activities for up to 2 months and not to get bumps on the breasts.

    Plastic Surgery Clinic in Istanbul

    There are many plastic surgeons in Turkey and most of these surgeons have international success. Having worldwide fame and success, Dr. Ozan BALIK is a doctor known both in Turkey and around the world. Dr. Ozan BALIK, whose articles have been published in many international journals, has specialized abroad.

    How to choose a clinic for a boob job?

    There are hundreds of clinics in Istanbul where you can have breast augmentation surgery. Research the services offered by these clinics in detail on the internet and contact the doctors if necessary. Ask all your questions and make sure you know everything before you go to Istanbul. Dr. Ozan BALIK is a doctor who is well-known, especially to foreign patients, and his comments and reviews are always 100% positive. When you contact Dr. Ozan BALIK, ask for photos of previous patients and review references. Dr. Ozan BALIK, who serves in Istanbul, publishes all his references and details on his website.

    Why Should I Have Breast Augmentation in Turkey?

    If you are asking yourself this question, we can tell you dozens of reasons to choose Turkey for breast augmentation. You will never regret it. The number of patients coming to Turkey for breast augmentation surgery is constantly increasing. Many patients come from different countries, such as the main countries of Europe. The opportunity to get to know the wonders of Turkey while receiving your treatment attracts the attention of patients. Offering extraordinary privileges to patients coming from abroad in Turkey can probably be considered as the main motivation for this.

    How long does breast augmentation last?

    Breast augmentation surgery is usually completed in 1 to 2 hours. This period includes procedures such as placing implants, making incisions, and placing stitches.

    Other Procedures to Have with Breast Enlargement in Turkey

    In addition to augmentation surgery, breast reduction surgeries and breast lift surgeries are also performed in Turkey. In addition, some aesthetic operations such as nipple aesthetics are also frequently preferred.

    Why is getting breast enlargement surgery cheaper in Turkey?

    Because breast augmentation surgery surgeons in Turkey are very professional and labor costs are much more affordable than in European countries. Most of the surgical materials are produced in Turkey and are of high quality. The medical teams are very experienced. In other words, most hospitals and clinics provide services with state support. This situation is one of the main reasons for the development of the health system in Turkey.

    Is it better to get a breast augmentation in Turkey?

    Breast augmentation surgeries are among the most frequently performed surgery in Turkey. You definitely won’t regret it. You will receive the highest quality health services you are looking for in Turkey.

    Why is Breast Augmentation cheaper in Turkey?

    One of the most important factors in this is the experience of the dentist and the health condition of the patient he will treat. In addition, the latest technological devices used by hospitals and the quality of the products used normally affect the price of Breast Augmentation. For this reason, it is important to first determine the type of surgery and get a price accordingly. Factors such as being durable, natural and long-term use increase the price of Breast Augmentation compared to other surgeries. Breast Augmentation in Turkey is really cheap. It covers many international health insurances. This is the case in many clinics and hospitals in Turkey.

    Is it safe to get a breast augmentation surgery in Turkey?

    Although there are many successful countries that perform Breast Augmentation, the popularity of Turkey is very different. Breast Augmentation in Turkey is a very safe and successful procedure. There are many reasons why this surgery is very safe. Factors such as successful and experienced doctors like as Ozan Balık, experienced healthcare team, well-equipped hospitals and patient control processes make this surgery safe. Of course, these are not the only ones.

    The fact that hospitals and clinics are under government control ensures that the surgery is performed safely. Patient rights are always important. Turkey is one of the safest countries in this sense. Dr. Ozan Balık is one of the most reliable and safest doctors in this sense. His experience and successful references are always one of the reasons for first choice.

    Choosing the Private Clinic for Breast Enlargement

    You can find many private clinics for Breast Enlargement in Turkey, but choosing the best among them is really difficult and clinics must have some criteria. Based on the criteria we list below, you can choose the best Breast Enlargement clinic:

    • It is important that the clinic is approved by the Turkish Ministry of Health.
    • Doctors and doctors must be experienced, have references and have international achievements.
    • It must have a medical team that is careful about hygiene.
    • It is always important to have a price-performance ratio.
    • You need to review the references of patients who have had surgery in the clinic before.

    What is The Cost 2024 Of Breast Enlargement in Turkey?


    Breast Augmentation

    Breast Augmentation Cost Turkey

    Breast Augmentation Cost UK

    Breast Augmentation Cost Europe

    Breast Augmentation Cost US

    Breast Augmentation Costs

    £4,200 – £5,000

    £8,000 – £9,500

    €7,800 – €9,000

    $10,000 – $12,000

    Best Breast Augmentation Turkey Surgeons

    Turkey is one of the best countries for breast augmentation surgery. Factors such as low cost, bariatric surgery clinics and hospitals, experienced doctors, state-of-the-art systems, and outpatient services. At the top of the list of Turkey’s best breast enlargement surgeons is Dr. Ozan BALIK. Thanks to his advanced operating system, painless operation, comprehensive care and hospital facilities, he performs hundreds of successful breast augmentation surgeries every year.

    Breast Augmentation Turkey Results

    For Breast Augmentation Turkey Results, check out to our website. You can see the surgery results in this section.

    Breast Augmentation Turkey Before and After Gallery

    You can check Breast Augmentation Turkey Before and After Gallery at this part.

    Breast Augmentation Turkey Reviews 2024

    You can review Breast Augmentation Turkey Reviews 2024 on the health forums and some popular social media sites. These comments, which have a 100% satisfaction rate, are real user comments. We publish our patients’ postoperative opinions and comments on our website.

    Breast Augmentation Turkey Patient Review Videos

    You can watch Breast Augmentation Turkey Patient Review Videos. here Videos are updated frequently.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Is Turkey a good place to get breast implants?

    Yes. It is a country where you can get the best service in every aspect under the most economical conditions.

    How much Breast Enlargement Surgery treatment will I need?

    Including examination and surgery, approximately 1 week is sufficient.

    Am I Suitable For Breast Enlargement?

    Your doctor will decide this after the first examination. For this, some tests will be performed and your health condition will be checked.

    Will I have to have more Breast Enlargement Surgery in the future?

    No, but you may need revision or symmetry surgeries.

    Can I trust “boob job before and after” pictures?

    Yes, these photos are real patient photos.

    Why is breast augmentation UK so expensive?

    Healthcare in UK is generally very expensive. The country’s healthcare services are expensive in every sense. Turkey is the most affordable country in this regard.

    Do I have to show my boobs during the initial consultation?

    Yes, your doctor will check your breasts and, if necessary, make a surgery plan by drawing on them.

    How long do breast implants last?

    It may vary between 1 and 3 hours depending on the condition of the surgery.

    Will I have scars from my boob job Turkey?

    No. If it is performed by a successful surgeon, there will be no scars and any possible scars will disappear over time.

    Where can I Get Advice before a Breast Surgery?

    If you want to get advice before breast augmentation surgery, you can talk to the world-famous Dr. Ozan BALIK. You will get the most accurate and reliable advice from him.

    Is There a Surgical Scar After Breast Surgery?

    No. Don’t worry about scarring. After surgery, scars disappear quickly.

    When can I measure my new bra size after surgery?

    You can start taking measurements 6 months after the surgery.

    Can I get breast reduction after enlargement surgery?

    Of course. If you are not satisfied with the size and shape of your breasts, you can have breast reduction aesthetics again.

    Are Breast Implants Harmful?

    Base molecule for silicone is extremely inert. This means it is a very stable substance and doesn’t change based on the external factors. It can’t change the trajectory of a  biochemical reaction in the body. Based on this property silicone is used in drug and cosmetic fields for a long time. Since 1962 it has had its place in breast implants too.

    Are silicone breast implants safe?

    The best quality and famous implant brands are used in Turkey and they are all safe.

    What Should be the Size of a Breast Augmentation?

    And then there is the issue of size. How much bigger will it be? As I said before, if a person didn’t have breast development, they don’t generally have the shyness period in their lives. But they start to go through this shyness period before the breast augmentation surgeries. They find it hard to express the true size of breasts they want to have. Ever since I discovered this, I try harder to understand their true wish for a breast size. I’m on the side of using the biggest implants possible for a person’s body type, that doesn’t meet in the middle, and that they can carry.

    Can I Breastfeed After Breast Augmentation?

    Yes, this does not prevent you from breastfeeding.

    Can I have a mammogram with implants?

    Implants do not affect the image quality of mammography. The slight compression made during mammography is also not a problem for the implant.

    When can I sleep without a bra after breast augmentation?

    You can start doing this 6 weeks after surgery.

    How to relieve nerve pain after breast augmentation?

    To reduce pain, follow what your doctor recommends and use the medications prescribed.

    What does CC mean for breast implants?

    Prostheses are expressed according to their height and volume and as cc. 1 cc means 1 cubic millimeter. There are almost all sizes of prostheses. The most used sizes are those between 200 – 350 cc. It is also possible to put, for example, 220 cc on one side and 235 cc on the other in asymmetric breasts.

    Am I going to lose the sensitivity of my nipples after having breast augmentation Turkey?

    Although rare, there may be a temporary or permanent decrease in nipple sensitivity.

    What type of bra should I wear after a boob job?

    You will use a surgical bra after the surgery. Essentially, they all have the same purpose; In other words, it is used to protect the surgical area. These medical bras; It has a feature that completely covers the chest without iron, underwire or support.

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